To kick off the 2022 & 2023 AAPI month, Miles and I created a generator that converted the English name of C-K employees into 10 different Asian scripts. The website was made for internal use and was built by our development team.

Cramer-Krasselt (2023)

Role: Ideation, Research, Web Design, Prototyping

Team: Miles Johnson (CW), Sangbum Kim (Design Director)

The Challenge

C-K’s Diversity & Inclusion team at Cramer-Krasselt tasked us with creating engaging ways to honor AAPHIM month, celebrating its diverse cultures and languages. Our solutions had to be straightforward, time-efficient (to complement existing HR-managed events), cost-effective, and accessible for the Milwaukee office to adopt.

The Result

The website was a hit! It was a hot topic to kick off the month of AAPHIM. We were given kudos from colleagues from various departments.

“This is wonderful work. Great idea and great execution.”

— Chief Operating Officer

I decided to leverage the iconic "Hello, my name is" sticker to symbolize a sense of familiarity and the office environment. To align with C-K branding, green was used as the primary color. The final design featured a scrapbook vibe to reflect the office theme, adding a weathered look gave it a modern touch.


Miles and I brainstormed ways to engage the office, mindful of everyone's busy schedules. Then, we noticed Sangbum's name tag on his desk, where he had written his name in Korean above his printed name.



Users can hover over the language name to learn more about its origins and fascinating facts.

The Kick-off

To generate buzz and anticipation for our website launch, we devised a unique and engaging strategy. We created a mysterious poster featuring the names of CK-ers written in various Asian scripts. The poster included a QR code, inviting employees to scan into the site. This approach not only piqued curiosity but also fostered a sense of community and excitement among the office.

“Very cool! Nice work everyone”

— Group Creative Director

“Wow. I wish this could be for external use too!”

— Executive Creative Director


Spirit Airlines


C-K Women's Committee Branding